Urbanization effects on the relationship between microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
URBIFUN represents the 3rd Young-AIL Projects. The Project is meant to promote scientific networking among young researchers of the AIL (Young-AIL) and to create synergistic interactions that lead to new knowledge on limnology. The Project was selected from a call by the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL).
The main goal of URBIFUN is to analyze the effects of an urbanization gradient on the relationship between microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Urban land-cover percentage will be used as a surrogate for urbanization impact, as well as other factors potentially associated to the urban stream syndrome (i.e. the degree of eutrophication, DOC concentration, and riparian zone and channel disturbances).
URBIFUN is led by Miriam Colls and Ferran Romero who are always happy to receive young-AIL members to participate within URBIFUN. In the case of questions/doubts, do not hesitate to contact !